Monday, 21 January 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt

Hai aweks aweks cun semua :)

okay nak buat short entry je... utk makluman semua Zulfah's adalah nama online boutique saya (yg x seberapa tu). some of the shawls yang saya pakai utk tutorial dalam isu febuari 2013 adalah daripada koleksi Zulfah's sendiri. 

Zulfah's akan keluarkan lebih banyak shawls dalam masa terdekat ni. So kalau nak cuci mata boleh like official page Zulfah's dan tunggu update yang seterusnya untuk koleksi yang terbaru.   

(klik untuk ke facebook Zulfah's)

Zulfah's masih lg baru dan semoga citarasa saya dalam berfesyen dapat membantu para wanita di luar sana berhijab dengan cantik dan stylo :)

-Fatin Zulfah Alias-

Thursday, 3 January 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt

x jawab dosa! haha cliche punya ayat.. dari sekolah rendah lagi aku dengar..

hmm hmmm hmmmm how to start? (inhaleeeee)... (exhale)

okay i am very sure each of the women out there has a space of this anxiety feeling more likely something that is close to worry. whyyyyyyyyyyy???

becauseeeeee... when women started to care (to whom it may concern: her daughter/ son/ husband/ etc), they always have feelings which they are scared something bad might happen to their beloved. they are scared if they might lose them... they are always curious of what the people they care about are doing?

contohhhhh: call semata-mata nak tanya dah makan ke belum....

then 30 minit lagi call...

okay ke? makanan sedap? sihat? (tadi terlupa tanya)

then call again.....

calll again and again.............

some of the mothers treat their children like this. bukan sebab tak percaya... tetapi RISAU..........

risau lah mengenai apa-apa sahaja. sesuatu yang tidak boleh diterjemahkan dengan kejadian scientific kerana ini memang sifat semulajadi wanita. we call that the beauty of a woman! haha
kalau boleh nak tengok semua ahli keluarga ada depan mata 24/7.
boleh tengok MR BEAN sama-sama. makan lempeng sama-sama. alolololo so sweet kan....

kebanyakan manusia akan berasa kurang selesa ataupun bahasa kasarnya runsing dengan keadaan ini... mostly to them who are in the changing phase (alam remaja)..

rimas la... mak ni asyik call je..

rimas la... kejap-kejap nak tanya

rimas la... bla bla blaaaaaa

Bersyukurlah sekiranya ibu anda masih kisah dan ambil berat kepada anda

Bersyukurlah kerana anda masih terima panggilan ibu anda

Bersyukurlah isteri anda masih kasih kepada anda

Bersyukurlah gf anda tidak mahu anda lari LOL

Mungkin apa yang anda akan dengar hanyalah leteran dan bebelan


Pada suatu saat, bila semua itu tiada

anda pasti akan rasa kehilangan...

kehilangan yang teramat sangat

dan barulah nak menyesal....

kenapa aku dulu tak dengar cakap mak...

kenapa aku dulu menduakan isteri aku...

kenapa aku dulu tidak hargai bekas tunang aku???

Appreciate the woman that you love and care...

Bebelan dan leteran itu cuma sebentar.....

Kerana pada suatu saat... anda pasti akan rindukan semua itu....



Fatin Zulfah Alias

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

What is new year?

Assalamualaikum wbt

Day 03 of 365, Year 2013.

Yes, the year increased by one digit but for me it is still the same. Only the number changed and one thing that never change is the time that still running..

from a second to a minute to an hour to a day to a week to a month to a year....

then the number changes again..

Do something.

to make it different from the past...

the past is the history that left behind. you carry along the good deeds and leave behind the wrong doings.

the past will remain behind your life path becoming memories.

when the time flies, some of them might fade away where your wound will heal

you may give a forgiveness

your tears turn to a happiness

and where you can smile in front of your backstabbers....

Yet, where you stand is your current.

do not neglect it as you regret your past.

when you still have the chance, grab it.

and your action now may influence your future.

you're walking through the current phase into the future phase.

remember that yesterday is already a part of history

today will become yesterday

and tomorrow is your future.

Thank you Allah for the days that i had the chance to live on. I appreciate those happiness and those blessings.


Fatin Zulfah Alias